Captain W.E. Johns - Czech Republic

"Kapitán W.E. Johns" was published and is still being published in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic respectively. In the period 1938-1947 16 Biggles books were published by Toužimský & Moravec in Prague. In 1947 they issued the anthology Polnice, including an abridged version of "Biggles vzdoruje hákovému kríži" renamed as "Biggles učí létat". In 1968 once again an abridged version of "Biggles od velbloudích stíhaček" was published and in 1990, as paperback of poor "eastern Europe"-quality "Biggles á zlaté dublony". They were followed by other reprints (one by Gennex publ.), now laminated in full colour and often with nice illustrations, in cooperation with Riopress publishers. Both company names are printed only the cover of the books T&M 1 to 5. Books are not all equal In size.

Three covers of Czech Biggles-books.

In 1995 the first Worrals title (Worrals z W.A.A.F.) was issued by Navrát in Brno.
In 1998 the first (Miklo) Biggles comic was published by T&M.

TOUŽIMSKÝ & MORAVEC and RIOPRESS (Prague), from 1990

Numbers of the T&M Biggles books are not consecutive because in their series also books by other authors are being published. First -old- editions, all by T&M, are listed too:

T&M pocketboek +
T&M-12. Biggles á zlaté dublony - 1940, 1990, 1994
GB: Biggles flies west

T&M-1. Biggles návrat velbloudích stíhaček - 1992
GB: combination of Biggles of the Camel squadron
and Biggles pioneer airfighter

T&M-2. Biggles vzdušný komodor - 1939, 1992
GB: Biggles Air Commodore
Note: two types of spine: big and small lettering

T&M-3. Biggles v Africe - 1939, 1992
GB: Biggles in Africa

T&M-4. Biggles od velbloudích stíhaček - 1938, 1993
GB: The Camels are coming

T&M-5. Biggles na stopě - 1940, 1993
GB: Biggles flies south

T&M-6. Bigglesova letecká společnost - 1939, 1993
GB: Biggles & Co

T&M-7. Biggles ve Španelšku - 1939, 1993
GB: Biggles in Spain

T&M-8. Biggles letí na sever - 1939, 1993
GB: Biggles flies north

R-1. Biggles na Borneu - 1947 (hard and soft cover), 1993
GB: Biggles in Borneo

R-2. Biggles za želenou oponou - 1993
GB: Biggles follows on

R-3. Biggles černý kondor - 1939, 1993
GB: The cruise of the Condor

R-4. Biggles a Himálaja - 1940, 1993
GB: Biggles hits the trail
Note: - title on wrapper first edition Biggles v Himalajích
- reprint says: Giggles hits the trail

R-5. Biggles vzdoruje hákovému kríži - 1948, 1993
GB: Biggles defies the swastika

R-6. Biggles ve službách Scotland Yardu - 1993
GB: Biggles and the noble lord

R-7. Biggles letí kolem světa - 1939, 1994
GB: Biggles flies again
Note: reprinst says: Biggles flies east

R-8. Inspektor Biggles zasahuje - 1994
GB: Biggles flies to work

R-9. Biggles v jižních mořích - 1994
GB: Biggles in the South Seas

T&M-9. Biggles jde do války - 1946 (hard and soft cover), 1994
GB: Biggles flies east

T&M-10. Biggles a modré nebezpečí - 1939, 1994
GB: The black peril

T&M-11. Biggles letí na jih - 1940, 1994
GB: Biggles goes to war

T&M-13. Biggles padl do pasti - 1994
GB: Biggles 'fails to return'

R-10. Biggles a bitva o Anglii - 1994
GB: Spitfire parade

T&M-14. Biggles brání poušt - 1995
GB: Biggles sweeps the desert

T&M-16. Bigglesův Malajský případ - 1995
GB: Biggles delivers the goods

T&M-17. Bigglesův velký lov - 1995
GB: Biggles hunts big game

T&M-19. Biggles - průzkumný let - 1995
GB: The rescue flight

R-11. Biggles proti kamikadze (v Orientě) - 1995
GB: Biggles in the Orient

R-12. Biggles a černý slon - 1995
GB: Biggles and the Black Raider

R-13. Bigglesuv křest ohněm - 1995
GB: Biggles learns to fly

R-14. Biggles a tajná základna - 1995
GB: Biggles cuts it fine

R-16. Biggles- létající detektiv - 1995
GB: Biggles flying detective / Sgt. Bigglesworth CID

R-15. Biggles vidí příliš mnoho - 1996
GB: Biggles sees too much

T&M-20. Bigglesova Finská válka - 1996
GB: Biggles sees it through

T&M-22. Biggles a ponorka U-517 - 1996
GB: Biggles' second case

T&M-23. Biggles má prázdniny - 1997
GB: Biggles takes a holiday

T&M-25. Biggles a teroristé - 1997
GB: Biggles foreign legionnaire

T&M-26. Biggles a podivná válka - 1997
GB: Biggles in the Baltic

R-17. Biggles pátrá v minulosti - 1997
GB: Biggles - secret agent

R-18. Biggles na vlastní pěst - 1997
GB: Biggles goes alone

R-19. Biggles proti drogové mafii - 1997
GB: Another job for Biggles

R-20. Biggles v Austrálii - 1997
GB: Biggles in Australia

R-21. Biggles a arabská nafta - 1997
GB: Biggles' special case

T&M-27. Biggles od 266 letky - 1997
GB: Biggles of 266

T&M-29. Biggles a rudá hvězda - 1997
GB: Biggles gets his men

R-22. Biggles a záhada uloupeného zlata - 1997
GB: Biggles works it out

T&M-30. Biggles v džungli - 1997
GB: Biggles in the jungle

T&M-31. Biggles - policejní hlídka - 1998
GB: Biggles of the interpol

R-23. Biggles a jeskyně tisíce Buddhů - 1997
GB: Biggles in the Gobi

R-24. Biggles na domácí frontě - 1997
GB: Biggles on the home front

R-25. Biggles přebírá velení - 1998
GB: Biggles takes charge

T&M-33. Biggles v Indii - 1998
GB: Biggles goes home

T&M-34. Biggles ztrácí klid - 1998
GB: No rest for Biggles

T&M-36. Bigglesův úhlavní nepřítel - 1998
GB: Biggles buries a hatchet

R-26. Biggles na ostrove pašeráků - 1998
GB: Biggles makes ends meet

R-27. Biggles se vyznamenává - 1998
GB: Biggles presses on

R-28. Biggles a poklad Madagaskaru - 1998
GB: Biggles and the pirate treasure

R-29. Biggles letí se smrtí - 1998
GB: Biggles and the gun-runners

T&M-37. Biggles - Bouře nad Německem - 1999
GB: Comrades in arms

T&M-38. Biggles a hrob krále pouště - 1999
GB: Biggles and the plot that failed

T&M-39. Biggles - černá maska - 1999
GB: Biggles and the black mask

T&M-41. Biggles - Bermudský trojúhelník - 1999
GB: Biggles in the blue

T&M-43. Biggles v Antarktidě - 2000
GB: Biggles in the Antarctic

R-30. Biggles a Čínská puzzle - 1999
GB: Biggles' Chinese puzzle

R-31. Bigglesovo drama v Čechách - 1999
GB: Biggles looks back

R-32. Biggles a výbuch v Marapangu - 2000
GB: Biggles takes the case

R-33. Biggles v jícnu sopky - 2000
GB: Biggles on mystery island

T&M-44. Biggles a tajemný vetřelec - 2000
GB: Biggles and the dark intruder

T&M-45. Worrals - Záchranná akce - 2000
GB Worrals carries on

T&M-46. Biggles a Leopardí muži - 2000
GB: Biggles and the leopards of Zinn

T&M-47. Worrals v Orientě - 2000
GB Worrals flies east

T&M-48. Biggles a unedený chlapec - 2000
GB: Biggles and the poor rich boy

T&M-49. Biggles v Mexiku - 2000
GB: Biggles in Mexico

R-34. Biggles a Berlínská mise - 2000
GB: Biggles takes a hand

R-35. Biggles a smizelé letadlo - 2000
GB: Biggles and the plane that disappeared

T&M-50. Biggles vyšetřuje - 2001
GB: Biggles investigates

T&M-52. Worrals na válečné stezče - 2001
GB: Worrals on the war-path

T&M-53. Biggles a ztracené rubíny - 2001
GB: Biggles sorts it out

T&M-54. Biggles chystá past - 2001
GB: Biggles sets a trap

R-36. Biggles nad Ohňovou zemí - 2001
GB: Biggles at world's end

R-37. Biggles a poklad Ophiru - 2001
GB: Biggles forms a syndicate

R-38. Biggles a nevritový bůh - 2001
GB: Biggles and the little green god

R-39. Biggles v boji s bílou smrtí - 2001
GB: Biggles' combined operation

R-40. Biggles hledá šamiona - 2001
GB: Biggles scores a bull

T&M-55. Biggles letí do Nepálu - 2002
GB: Biggles in the Terai

T&M-57. Biggles a muž, který zmizel - 2002
GB: Biggles and the missing millionaire

T&M-59. Biggles v zemi Mauglího - 2002
GB: The Boy Biggles

T&M-60. Worrals v divočině - 2002
GB: Worrals in the Wilds

T&M-61. Biggles a potopená lod' - 2002
GB: Biggles and the lost treasure/sovereigns

R-41. Biggles a kajícný zloděj - 2002
GB: Biggles and the penitent thief

R-42. Biggles v podsvětí - 2002
GB: Biggles in the underworld

R-43. Biggles a modrý měsic - 2002
GB: Biggles and the Blue Moon

T&M-62. Biggles - zapomenuté přibéhy - 2003
GB: Biggles from Modern Boy and Popular Flying

T&M-63. Biggles mužem zákona - 2003
GB: Biggles air detective

T&M-67. Biggles - před pvním vzlatem - 2003
GB: Biggles goes to school

R-44. Biggles tapě ve tme - 2003
GB: Biggles takes it rough

R-45. Orchideje pro Bigglese - 2003
GB: Orchids for Biggles

T&M-xx Biggles a temné modré moře - 2004
GB: Biggles and the deep blue sea

Details on these titles can be found in the Captain W.E. Johns Catalogus.

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